thought you'd find something?


21 (12/2001)

☼ sag | ☾ aquarius | ↑ leo
melancholic - chaotic neutral/good - infp - 4w3

hi, im cell.


info / more / kin / important

GAMES - Splatoon, Taiko, Groove Coaster, Roblox
MUSIC - POiSON GiRL FRiEND, KOKAYNA, Bubblegum Octopus, GORESHIT, Fishmans, Deli Girls
MEDIA - PMMM, Kaiba, Serial Experiments Lain, Dorohedoro, Soul Eater, Hausu, Horror (in general)

zoophile/racists/right wing/terfs/transmisogynists/truscum


pansexual and bi lesbian safe space. theres a lot better things to worry about like trans people being murdered. if you have a problem with me supporting them just block me, i dont want to deal with you.

if you want to block me, hardblock. i may accidentally refollow you in the future due to said memory issues.

info / more / kin / important

please know im not really good at tagging things, as i have memory issues. i do tag things like blood but i cannot guarantee tagging requests will always be followed. #ask to tag means i am unsure how to tag it pre-emptively and if its a upsetting topic, as long as you ask i can tag the post in question and try remember for the future.dont send me weird asks. please at least try to be funnyif you have some hatred for me enough to look at my social media while having me blocked or to be stalking my social media, you should probably get help.